What is the median separation rate?
Set each year by ministerial decree, the median separation rate is established by the report over the last 3 years between : separation rate of all companies with more than 11 employees in a given sector and the total workforce of all companies in the sector.

This rate is essential because it has a direct impact on the unemployment insurance contribution of a company eligible for modulation.
A change such as the one caused by the URSSAF computer error automatically impacts the rates modulated and notified on August 29, 2022. Which sectors are affected? We tell you all about the changes.
A computer error by URSSAF on the separation rate for the 7 sectors concerned?
The device Bonus-Malus which came into effect in September 2022 big upheaval in recent days.
The Ministry of Labor indicated that a computer error would have affected data relating to the separation rate of certain companies concerned by the bonus-malus scheme. This error would therefore have distorted the calculation of median separation rates by business sectorpublished by order of August 18, 2022.
A new decree dated November 17, 2022 sets a new new median rates by business sector taken into account for the calculation of the bonus-malus unemployment insurance contribution rate from December 1, 2022.
What does this mean for companies?
Companies below the ceiling
The lower median separation rate generates mathematically an increase in the modulated rate for eligible companies.
If you were below the 5.05% cap when you first modulated, then you probably received a notification from URSSAF.
You now have an incorrect rate for periods of employment from September to November 2022, and a new increased rate for the period from December 2022 to August 2023.
Companies above the ceiling
It would appear that URSSAF did not send out a new notification. a single rate applicable from September 2022 to August 2023 but the latter is questionable in substance since it is erroneous.
To learn more about the Malus-Bonus
Do you have a question about the Bonus-Malus? Please contact us!
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