Building and Construction

Innovation, performance and impact in the building and construction sector

G.A.C. Group supports players in the building and civil engineering sector in their innovation strategies and their objectives of performance and positive impact on society and the environment.

Key figures for the Building and Construction sector

1.5 million jobs

215 bn sales

Despite security constraints, quality and environment and ever more restrictive, the Building and Construction sector is one of the most dynamic in France.

Responsible for 43% of annual energy consumption and 23 % of greenhouse gas emissions in France, the Building and Public Works (BTP) and Construction sector nonetheless remains a major source of greenhouse gas emissions. the most energy-intensive sector in France.

Its impact on the environment is prompting more and more players to turn towards cleaner, more responsible solutions to meet societal and environmental challenges.

With its strong R&D capabilities (start-ups and major groups, public research organizations, technical centers, funds), the Group has been witnessing the emergence of a new, more dynamic and more competitive market. dynamic innovation ecosystem in the construction sector.

What are the major challenges facing companies in the building and construction sector?

The building and construction industry is marked by a constantly changing and increasingly regulated environment. Companies are faced with major challenges, including competitionthe significant impact of regulationsthe evolution of value chains, theperformance requirement (increasing the number of diagnostics and inspections on construction sites), and lastly rising raw materials and energy costs leading to production and supply difficulties.

Energy performance, a fundamental growth driver for the building and construction industry

With 40% of the world's energy consumption, the building and civil engineering sector is unquestionably one of the most energy-intensive. Faced with this situation, building and construction companies must, now more than ever define strategies pragmatic for sustainably transform the sector and its environmental and social impact.

Fortunately, players in the industry are well aware of the opportunities created by the energy transition. As a result, many companies have begun their transformation and are innovating through the integration of new materials (eco-materials, green materials, etc.), the development of renewable energies, the adoption of new working methods (waste reclamation, for example) or through the use of digital technologies and artificial intelligence (smart building, building information modeling (BIM), etc.).

Building and construction industry players: capitalize on innovation for sustainable growth

Innovations in the building and civil engineering sector have grown considerably over the past decade. Whether we're talking about the construction site itself or the entire building value chain (productivity, safety, sustainable development, etc.), innovations are plentiful:

  • New technological tools Artificial intelligence, robotization, smart building, BIM tools to optimize the building lifecycle, etc. A number of start-ups, SMEs and even major groups are helping to create a "Constructech" as rich as the innovation ecosystem in other sectors.
  • New materials and alternative solutions The use of green, bio-sourced materials and eco-design through the use of hemp, flax, sheep's wool, bricks, straw and cellulose wadding.

How to finance innovation in the construction sector through public support?

The French government supports the building and construction sector through R&D and innovation funding schemes such as tax credits (CIR and CII) or even public aids and subsidies that the government's major acceleration strategies, such as " Sustainable cities and innovative buildings ".

The State's investment policies in favor of the energy transition through dedicated windows testify to its determination toencourage players to make sustainable commitments through the use of innovative solutions. The Energy Savings Certificates (CEE) to encourage project owners to carry out energy renovation work remains a real opportunity for companies. In collaboration with our partner Compagnie des Economies d'EnergieOur teams support our customers in financing their energy efficiency projects.

In addition, specific public subsidies are available for supporting the energy transition of companies in the building and civil engineering sector in particular through investment programs such as CEE, MaPrimeRénov' Copropriété or calls for projects via dedicated agencies (CCA-BTP, ADEME, FEDER, etc.).

Financing innovation in the building and civil engineering sector also involves leveraging intellectual property assets (patents, software dedicated to the building and civil engineering sector) through the IP Box tax regime.

How to innovate better and faster?

In addition to financial aid, companies in the Building and Construction sector can also accelerate their innovation projects by using theopen innovation and co-innovation to set up public-private partnerships and generate new ideas or market opportunities (new business models, new services, etc.).

In order to implement an effective and constructive innovation strategy, major national and international construction and public works companies need toalign their growth strategy with their capacity for innovation. A innovation diagnosis may be a solution to highlight the key success factors of a sustainable innovation strategy.

G.A.C. also offers a ideXlab Open Innovation platform which enables fast state-of-the-artidentify innovative ecosystemsof contact potential partners in the digital sectorBut also in all related sectors or customers to accelerate collaborative innovation.

G.A.C. leverages its industry experience to help you implement your projects through a comprehensive offer to innovate, perform and be part of a responsible approach.

For over 20 years, our multi-disciplinary team of engineers and PhDs has been advising and assisting players in the construction and building materials industry with their innovation projects, from idea to market launch, including the search for financing.

Safety and efficiency, major challenges for human resources in the construction industry

Control your occupational injury rate in a high-claims sector

The Building and Construction sector is one of the world's largest in terms of the number of employees. highest rate of work-related accidents and illnesses due to a significant exposure to risks (materials, safety, etc.) This high loss ratio has a significant impact for companies on both the human plan than financial. We can help you optimize your human resources management costs (payroll, occupational health and safety). 

A policy of risk prevention coupled with a optimized management of your accidents and occupational diseases will improve your employees' quality of life at work, while reducing your costs.

Our specialist consultants in Social Security Law have been advising you on how to optimize the management of your occupational injuries for over fifteen years. In addition to consulting, G.A.C. has developed AT Advance for simplify and secure the administrative management of your occupational injuries with a powerful and intuitive management solution.  

Controlling your social charges

For nearly 15 years, we have been helping companies in the building and construction sector to overall control of the social costs generated by this essential resource, people.
In order to secure your financial and social situation, we carry out payroll audits, DSN compliance audits and social security audits (checking compliance with regulations, optimizing workloads, securing and making data more reliable) to ensure that you contribute the right amount. Our payroll and DSN experts can also help you with URSSAF controls.

Manage your HR indicators

Because we are convinced that HR indicators monitoring through high-performance digital tools is a driving force for increase the efficiency of your teamsWe offer a complete HR decision-support solution.

The D2BI business intelligence solution enables our customers in the manage their human resources on all their sites: absenteeism, entry-exit, gender equality, etc. Using highly granular indicators, your HR teams can make decisions tailored to the realities of your business.

Our solid experience in HR performance is built primarily on the technical expertise of our legal consultants in payroll, social security charges, DSN and Social Security law. G.A.C. Group's experts offer dedicated support to help you make the right decisions, based on cutting-edge analysis tools.

Controlled taxation for building and civil engineering companies to support investment capacity and preserve cash flow

Tax incentives for innovation represent a first lever for preserving the cash flow of companies in the Building and Construction sector. Faced with complex tax arrangementsto jurisprudential developments and changes linked to your company's cycle, it's not always easy to understand the mechanisms for rationalizing your tax expenditure.

Anticipate your local tax expenses

You need solid, reliable cash management to enable your business to grow.

The economic weight of your tax expenditures can be colossal for your company.

G.A.C has developed a complete service offer for to reduce your tax burden and meet your challenges through various meanslocal taxation (property tax, business property tax, business value added tax), energy taxation (TICFE, TICGN, TURPE, CEE), the taxation of urban planning, ancillary taxes (taxes on offices and commercial surfaces, TASCOM), and contributions (C3S, etc.))

Finally, thanks to ourimplementation study (advice in the choice of the implantation according to taxes), we accompany you in your real estate projects in order tooptimize your expenses.

Our tax consultants offer support throughout your land investments and restructuring (reporting assistance, budgeting, etc.) for secure local taxes. 

You have received a TF/CFE audit notification from the tax authorities?

Our team will accompanies during tax audits to secure your rental values and reduce your additional contributions etc.)

For over 20 years, our tax consultants have been helping our customers in the building and construction industry to diagnose, secure, optimize and rationalize their local and energy-related tax expenses.

Our specialists are able to support the managers of VSEs, SMEs, ETIs and key accounts, as well as their management and/or functional teams (CFO, CFO, Tax Department, Legal Department, etc.) in all business sectors. From monitoring to litigation, in partnership with law firms, they can help you manage your tax expenses.

They trust us
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"Professional, attentive contacts! Good knowledge of technical and tax aspects and very fluid, responsive relations".
Accounting manager
Support in structuring the CIR process
"We are very satisfied with this support, as well as with the report we received and the speed with which the recommendations were implemented. We fully recommend this company, and if we had to describe this support in three words, it would be: Listening, Trust, Support."
Human Resources Manager
Audit of social charges
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