Pay the right amount of contribution for your assets: we help you reach your performance targets with reliable local taxation.

Local taxation, a decisive lever for optimizing cash flow

In a post-Covid economic context weakened by inflation and the energy crisis, your Financial strategy is the key to stabilizing your business and ensuring its long-term future.

Your tax bill is constantly rising, and can be a colossal fixed charge depending on your business, your facilities and your location. When you consider that almost 80% of your local tax bill comes from your real estate assets Whether you're a tenant or a homeowner, the question of control becomes crucial.

Comprising tax consultants and expert lawyers, we have put together a complete multidisciplinary team to put our solid know-how and experience in local, real estate and energy taxation to work for your company.

Audit and optimize your local tax charges, so you can pay the right amount - that's all there is to it.

Your business is a "building" in the legal sense of the term, and a taxable one at that. Every building is taxed by virtue of its existence and operation.

The property classification as well as any type of change can influence your local tax bill both upwards and downwards. Calculation methods, the history of your building or the jurisprudential developments can also have an impact on your tax situation. To reduce uncertainties, it's essential to understand your tax situation so you can optimize it.

As the guarantors of a company's profitability, finance departments are on the front line in ensuring its viability. CFOs play a central role both in the mastering financial processes than in the search for productivity levers.

It's not just a question of cutting costs, but also of set up guarantees to ensure payment of the right amount of contribution.

The different ways to reduce your tax bill

Backed by 20 years of expertise, we've built up an impressive a complete range of services to reduce your tax burden and respond to tax issues in a number of ways: the local taxation (property tax, business property tax, business value-added tax), the energy taxation (TICFE, TICGN, TURPE, CEE, subsidies for paying energy bills), planning tax (development tax, archaeology tax, office creation tax) and contributions (C3Setc.) and ancillary taxes (tax on offices and (TSBSC), tax on commercial surfaces (TASCOM).

To accelerate the development of companies and regions, we also work alongside you on thesite surveys (advice on choosing your location based on tax considerations) for optimize your performance and maximize your chances of success.

Thanks to an exhaustive study of your tax returns, your dedicated tax consultant pays particular attention to :

calculating your tax base (activity carried out, taxation method applied, possible deductions, etc.).

updating valuations to reflect changes in your premises (change in consistency, physical character or use) ;

to the updating legislation and case law ;

to the careful drafting of your declarations.

Making your local tax system more secure and compliant

Our support

Our tax consultants offer support throughout your property investments and restructuring projects (assistance with tax returns, budgeting, development tax, archaeological tax, etc.) to ensure that your local taxes and levies are secure.

You need solid, reliable cash management to enable your business to grow: our financial performance division, made up of tax consultants supported by expert lawyers, is dedicated to securing your tax environment through a high level of expertise and personalized support.

For two decades, our tax specialists have been advising CFOs, CFOs and tax directors on how to secure their local tax affairs.

They provide ongoing monitoring to ensure your teams are compliant, and support you in meeting your current and future fiscal, economic, environmental and societal challenges.

Our team can help you drastically reduce errors, which can prove significant, by identifying areas of risk. In this way, they contribute to securing your business and your practices by taking into account regulatory developments, the complexity of standards and the specific features of your activities.

overall satisfaction rate in 2023 for all our services
0 %
score obtained in 2023 on the availability of our local tax consultants
0 /5
2023 rating for our consultants' technical skills
0 /5
They trust us
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"The explanation of the support mission was extremely clear and precise. She listened attentively to the questions asked, both about the steps to be taken and the possibility of obtaining results. Perfect communication on the course of action taken, on the steps I had to take with the tax authorities and those taken on my behalf when I was unable to obtain the information requested. On the results obtained, clear and precise explanations of what we could do or not do to obtain more, or to be satisfied with what was obtained. Perfect support in all the steps taken".
Local tax support
Local tax support: GUNTHER TOOLS
"Extremely positive collaboration last year when preparing local tax returns. Smooth communication enabled us to meet our deadlines and produce the forms required by the authorities. A climate of trust was established from the moment we made contact. I would like to emphasize the sound knowledge of tax rules and the professionalism of the staff in charge of our file. Thank you for a job well done.
Accounting Manager at GUNTHER Tools (WALTER France)
Local tax support
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"We are very satisfied with the support provided by the G.A.C. Group consultant in charge of our local taxation project. Her experience and availability are much appreciated, and she's a pleasure to work with on a daily basis."
Administrative and Financial Manager
Local tax support

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Protect your finances and secure your tax position!

Find out how our experts can help you reduce your taxes and secure your finances. Book a personal consultation today.