
Innovation, performance and impact in the industrial sector

G.A.C. Group supports industrial companies in their innovation strategies and their objectives of performance and positive impact on society and the environment.

The industrial sector in figures

3 million jobs

1,200 billion in sales

350,000 companies

In all its heterogeneity and diversity, the world of industry faces a host of increasingly demanding and ambitious challenges. Industry alone accounts for all economic activities dedicated to the design, manufacture and sale of material goods. Its sectors include plastics processing, metallurgy and steelmaking, theagri-foodautomotive industry, aeronautics, textile and leather industry retailThese include the electronics, mechanical engineering, petroleum and chemical industries.

The injunctions are numerous: produce as much but better, polluting less and including socio-environmental components.

What are the major challenges facing industrial companies?

Ecological transition, digital transformation, gender diversity in the workplace, the circular economy: these are just some of the issues on which the sector needs to focus, move forward and innovate to adapt to economic, environmental and regulatory challenges. According to France Industrie, the sector will have spent almost €25 billion on R&D by 2020 to meet all these challenges.

As a real catalyst, the rise in energy prices has brought home the idea that energy sobriety is not an option, but a major challenge to guarantee tomorrow's competitiveness.

How can manufacturers stay competitive through innovation?

Innovation is the key to the long-term future of industrial companies. With this in mind, there are numerous initiatives in favor of Industry 4.0 (automation of production lines, use of AI and robotics and transformation of processes, massive exploitation of data to improve data performance, improved man-machine collaboration) to which are added the ever-increasing demands of decarbonization.

How can public support finance innovation in the industrial sector?

The French government particularly supports industrial companies through R&D and innovation funding schemes such as tax credits (CIR and CII) or even public aids and subsidies follow the government's grand acceleration strategy". Decarbonizing industry "with plans toachieve carbon neutrality by 2050. The industrial company of tomorrow will have to produce better to improve its competitiveness and performance, thanks to investments in equipment and processes that emit less CO2.

35 billion euros have been mobilized as part of the stimulus plan to promote decarbonization and the development of organizational, technological and production innovations, making industry a major focus of the government's economic recovery strategy. From European fundingthrough the Horizon Europe Program are also moving in this direction.

Supporting innovation in the industrial sector also involves leveraging intellectual property assets such as patents or software dedicated to Industry 4.0 through the IP Box tax regime.

How to innovate better and faster?

In addition to financial assistance, industrial companies can also accelerate their innovation projects by using theopen innovation and co-innovation to set up public-private partnerships and generate new ideas or market opportunities (new business models, new services, etc.).

In order to set up a effective, constructive innovation strategythe industry's major companies have a duty toalign their growth strategy with their capacity for innovation. A innovation diagnosis may be a solution to highlight the key success factors of a sustainable innovation strategy.

G.A.C. also offers a ideXlab Open Innovation platform which enables fast state-of-the-artidentify innovative ecosystemsof contact potential partners in the sector to accelerate collaborative innovation.

G.A.C. leverages its industry experience to help you implement your projects through a comprehensive offer to innovate, perform and be part of a responsible approach.

For over 20 years, our multi-disciplinary team of engineers and PhDs has been advising and assisting players in the French industrial sector with their innovation projects, from idea to market launch, including the search for financing.

Reduce your HR costs and improve your performance through digitalization

Control your occupational injury rate in high-risk sectors

Your employees are your company's greatest asset. Your company's success depends on them. They embody the company's values and drive its development.

This indispensable resource is also one of your company's main expense items. We can help you to optimize your human resources management costs (payroll, ATMP).  

A risk prevention policy coupled with a optimized management of your accidents and occupational diseases will improve your employees' quality of life at work, while reducing your costs.

Industrial companies are those in which employees are most exposed to work-related accidents and illnesses, which is why it's important to take action. Our specialist consultants in Social Security Law can advise you on optimized management of your accidents and occupational diseases for over twenty years. In addition to consulting, G.A.C. has developed AT Advancea powerful, intuitive control solution for simplify and secure the administrative management of your occupational injuries.

Manage your HR indicators

Because we are convinced that HR indicators monitoring through high-performance digital tools is a driving force for increase the efficiency of your teamsWe offer a complete HR decision-support solution.

The D2BI business intelligence solution enables our industrial customers to manage their human resources, whether they have one or several sites: absenteeism, entry-exit, gender equality, etc. With the help of highly granular indicators, your HR teams can take appropriate decisions adapted to business realities. Benefit from innovations in human resources management to save time and refocus on what's most important: people.

Our solid experience in HR performance is built primarily on the technical expertise of our legal consultants in payroll, social security charges, DSN and Social Security law. G.A.C. Group's experts offer dedicated support to help you make the right decisions, based on cutting-edge analysis tools.

Boost your company's growth with a perfectly controlled tax system

Faced with complex tax arrangementsto jurisprudential developments and changes in your company's cycle, it's not always easy to understand what's going on. mechanisms to rationalize your tax expenditure.

You need solid, reliable cash management to enable your business to grow.

Anticipate your local tax expenses

You need solid, reliable cash management to enable your business to grow.

The economic weight of your tax expenditures can be colossal for your company.

G.A.C has developed a complete service offer for to reduce your tax burden and meet your challenges through various meanslocal taxation (property tax, business property tax, business value added tax), energy taxation (TICFE, TICGN, TURPE, CEE), the taxation of urban planning, ancillary taxes (taxes on offices and commercial surfaces, TASCOM), and contributions (C3S, etc.))

Finally, thanks to ourimplementation study (advice in the choice of the implantation according to taxes), we accompany you in your real estate projects in order tooptimize your expenses.

Our tax consultants offer support throughout your land investments and restructuring (reporting assistance, budgeting, etc.) for secure local taxes. 

You have received a TF/CFE audit notification from the tax authorities?

Our team will accompanies during tax audits to secure your rental values and reduce your additional contributions etc.)

Our specialists work with large groups, ETIs, real estate companies and SMEs in all business sectors. From monitoring to litigation, in partnership with law firms, they can help you manage your tax expenses.

They trust us
"We felt that G.A.C. wanted to immerse itself in our subject and understand the why behind our innovation. [...] We went from a research stage to a development stage really boosted by the different entry points G.A.C. was able to provide."
Innovation Manager
Innovation marketing support
VPK Group
"D2BI is a very pleasant and intuitive tool! We've saved time and made our analyses more efficient. The G.A.C. Group experts provided us with excellent support in getting started and deploying the system at each site. They're always ready to listen and help us, and we've always had answers to our needs."
Payroll Manager
Support in managing HR indicators with our D2BI solution
"We appreciated the speaker's availability and seriousness".
Purchasing Manager
Assistance in preparing applications for grants and subsidies
Local tax support: GUNTHER TOOLS
"Extremely positive collaboration last year when preparing local tax returns. Smooth communication enabled us to meet our deadlines and produce the forms required by the authorities. A climate of trust was established from the moment we made contact. I would like to emphasize the sound knowledge of tax rules and the professionalism of the staff in charge of our file. Thank you for a job well done.
Accounting Manager at GUNTHER Tools (WALTER France)
Local tax support
offices around the world
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