Our partners

G.A.C. Group has built up an extensive network of partners throughout France to help you meet your objectives:

Our partner shareholders

In order to accelerate the scope of our activities and provide ever-better support to companies and local authorities in their social and environmental challenges, we have surrounded ourselves with trusted partners with aligned visions and shared values.

And it's in this sense that Bpifrance and GENEO are shareholder members of G.A.C. Group.

Bpifrance supports companies in their development by financing their activities, innovations, ecological and energy transition projects and international expansion.

Thanks to Bpifrance and its 50 regional offices, entrepreneurs benefit from a close and efficient contact to support them in the sustainable growth of their business!

G.A.C. Group is a member of the Bpifrance Excellence

An ecosystem of growth companies united by a common ambition and supported by Bpifrance.

GENEO Capital Entrepreneur is an "Evergreen" investment company whose raison d'être is to provide SMEs and ETIs with the means to achieve their ambitions, in a sustainable and positive-impact approach.

Passionate about those who do, who create and who want to move the lines, the GENEO team's ambition is to take every entrepreneur's ambition to the highest level!

Our institutional partners and clusters

Our service partners

Our CSR impact partners

Newsletter G.A.C.