Innovation management

Découvrez comment intégrer la RSE dans votre stratégie de R&D et d’innovation et créer de la valeur
Découvrez les techniques innovantes de recyclage et de récupération des métaux rares
Discover how to align your business objectives with your innovation strategy
Discover how to align your innovation strategy with your financing strategy to grow your business.
Discover how to identify, source and scout startups through open innovation
Read the testimonial from Qualipac, supported by IdeXlab to identify strategic partners and innovative solutions.
Adopt ISO 56001 and 56002 to structure and improve your innovation processes.
Discover how to accelerate technology transfer through open innovation
Discover how to solve a technological or scientific challenge through open innovation.
Find out how to save time in identifying partners for your innovation projects
Discover the selection criteria used by financiers and investors to accelerate your projects with an environmental, societal or social impact.
Discover the notion of naturalness in food for consumers and explore the innovations in the food industry to achieve it.
The second WeImpact competition is aimed at rewarding 3 winners with projects that have a positive impact on the environment, society and local communities.
Get inspired by recent technological innovations in eco-responsible packaging by watching our webinar!

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