
An error by URSSAF affected the data on the separation rate of certain companies concerned by the bonus-malus.
What is the professional prevention account? What are the impacts in DSN? Read our article to understand everything!
The social and fiscal regime of exempt overtime (EOH) has been constantly evolving. Read our article to find out more!
G.A.C. Group is a 1TP4 Progress Activator with Agefiph we reaffirm our commitment to disability in the workplace.
A merger of an establishment or a takeover of a company can have important consequences on the occupational injury rate of the acquiring establishment. And this, notwithstanding the terms of the operation.
Why was it introduced? How is it calculated? Read our article to know everything about the Bonus-Malus!
Take a look at the new laws impacting the start of the 2022 school year!
Stay connected to the news thanks to our watch made by payroll and DSN experts and be ready for the start of the school year!
With the coronavirus pandemic and periods of confinement, teleworking is becoming widespread and many questions are emerging, particularly those related to the risk of occupational accidents.
GAC Group is proud to announce a new stage in its development and growth projects with the opening of its capital to two new strategic partners: GENEO Capital Entrepreneur and Bpifrance.
Read our article to understand this revaluation of pensions and lump sum payments!
Have you thought about pre-financing your CIR/CII? This is an opportunity to provide quick cash flow for the growth of your company.
Which diseases are concerned? What are the conditions for recognition? A look at this administrative novelty.

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