National and regional grants and subsidies for the healthcare industries and technologies sector

The healthcare sector has strong ambitions for ensuring France's health sovereignty and strengthening its competitiveness. That's why the French government has introduced national innovation acceleration strategies (France 2030 and PIA4 programs), which focus on three major areas to promote and develop: biotherapies and the bioproduction of innovative therapies, digital health, and the fight against emerging infectious diseases.

Development of biotherapies and innovative therapies

France aims to become european leader in pharmaceutical biomanufacturing by focusing on innovation and research. This strategy fosters the emergence of new technologies and the industrialization of biomedicine productionwhile reducing access costs. Priorities include developing an innovative ecosystem, improving market access for innovative therapies, and strengthening domestic production. This initiative aims to increase the country's health sovereignty.

Digitalization and digital health

Digitization is transforming the healthcare sector thanks to new new data collection and analysis technologies. The "Digital Health" strategy aims to develop tools for 5P medicine (personalized, preventive, predictive, participative and evidence-based). It relies on technologies such as artificial intelligence, digital medical devices and robotics. This strategy supports from training to large-scale implementationto position France as a leader in digital healthcare.

Fighting emerging infectious diseases and CBRN threats

To prepare France for futurepossible major health crisesThe French government has launched the national strategy "Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID) and Nuclear, Radiological, Biological and Chemical (NRBC) Threats". This initiative aims to understanding, preventing and controlling emerging infectious diseases, as well as combating CBRN threats, including those posed by accidental or intentional exposure. The strategy, based on an integrated approach, aims to strengthening France's resilience to health crises.

Grants and calls for projects to finance your projects for tomorrow's healthcare

The transformation of France's health and well-being sector is based on an ambitious and innovative vision, focused on the development of new advanced and sustainable solutions. Against this backdrop, the State and the Regions are opening up numerous calls for projects to meet the ambitions of the sector and to provide financial support for innovation and investment projects in the industry.

G.A.C. offers you a summary of the calls for projects open in the region in its new infographic dedicated to grants and subsidies for companies in the healthcare industries and technologies sector.

In this infographic, find:

  • Current calls for projects and grants, as well as application deadlines (France 2030, Bpifrance...).

  • Regional themes related to the health and well-being sector

  • An episode of the WeImpact by G.A.C. podcast: presentation of the HC-Next project, whose mission is to accelerate and secure the development of drugs and medical devices.

  • The web series "Public funding: how to accelerate your innovation and investment projects".

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