National and regional aids and subsidies for the agri-food sector

Major challenges facing the agri-food industry

The agri-agro sector is one of the industries targeted by the major acceleration strategies for innovation France 2030 and PIA4 programs. Agricultural and food strategies aim to promote and develop :

  • of sustainable agricultural systems and innovative farm equipment to support the ecological transition (adapting agriculture to climate change, digital farming and robotics, biocontrol and biostimulation molecules, genetics and plant breeding);
  • thesustainable, health-promoting food (food packaging, tomorrow's proteins, health foods, food traceability);
  • of bio-based products and sustainable fuels (industrial biotechnologies and valorization of agricultural, forestry or algal biomass as an alternative to petroleum-based products).

In particular, these major strategies help speed up response to the challenges facing the French food industry are growing ever stronger particularly with regard to environmental requirements, consumer expectations and the availability of agricultural inputs. Against this backdrop, the French State and the Regions are opening up numerous calls for projects designed to meet the ambitions of the agri-agro sector and provide financial support for innovation and investment projects in the industry.

Also, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) is a regional tool of the Common Agricultural Policy which aims to support the sector in 3 ways:

  • Improving the competitiveness of agriculture;
  • Encouraging sustainable management of natural resources and combating climate change ;
  • Achieve balanced territorial development of rural economies and communities.

The EAFRD is deployed through calls for projects managed by the regions. For 2021-2027, it will receive €10 billion from the EU, supplemented by a €4.3 billion contribution from the French government, and additional funding from the regions for certain calls for projects.

What are the national and regional calls for projects in the agri-food sector?

Against this backdrop, the State and the Regions are opening up numerous calls for projects designed to meet the ambitions of the agri-agro sector and provide financial support for innovation and investment projects in the industry.

G.A.C. offers you a summary of the calls for projects available in the region in its new infographic dedicated to grants and subsidies for companies in the agri-agro sector.

In this infographic, find:

  • Current calls for projects and grants, as well as application deadlines (FranceAgriMer, ADEME, France 2030, FEADER...).

  • Regional themes related to the agri-agro sector

  • An episode of the podcast WeImpact by G.A.C.: presentation of the start-up Agrodynalux, which develops new weedkillers that are effective, selective and eco-responsible.

  • The web series "Public funding: how to accelerate your innovation and investment projects".

Make an appointment with an expert in Grants and Subsidies

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