Aid and subsidies
Test your eligibility for the i-Lab competition dedicated to innovative start-ups: up to 600 k€ in grants to accelerate your project.
Découvrez les aides disponibles pour financer les projets innovants des startups et PME
Découvrez comment intégrer la RSE dans votre stratégie de R&D et d’innovation et créer de la valeur
Discover how to align your innovation strategy with your financing strategy to grow your business.
Discover the public funding available for your projects in favor of the environment, social inclusion and innovation.
Find out more about this call for projects that could help you finance your industrial investments in decarbonization.
Adopt ISO 56001 and 56002 to structure and improve your innovation processes.
Discover how to accelerate technology transfer through open innovation
Discover the strategies and best practices for successfully applying for public funding.
Discover how to solve a technological or scientific challenge through open innovation.
Find out about the public assistance available to finance your new energy and environmental projects.
Infographic: National and regional grants and subsidies for the building and construction industry
Find out about current grants and calls for projects in the healthcare industries and technologies sector to help finance your projects.
Find out how to save time in identifying partners for your innovation projects