Strategy and project structuring

France is the 12th most innovative country in the world according to the international GII index for 2020. To maintain or even improve this performance, the structuring of the R&D roadmap is essential to secure the projects and future innovations of companies.

Our offer

Structuring of the project roadmap

Build and manage the project roadmap Identify innovation opportunities: diagnosis, market studies, prioritization, implementation of a project innovation roadmap, feasibility analysis, support for the formalization of projects, realization of a business plan, activity reporting

Mapping of completed projects, ongoing and in-launch projects and strategic themes to prioritize

Definition of the development strategy

We support companies in structuring their innovation roadmap in order to build an effective financing strategy and accelerate project development.

Capitalizing on the ecosystem and implementing an open innovation strategy

Identification of partners (France, Europe and international),

Establishment of partnerships with research centers, startups, small and medium
companies, etc.

Lobbying and strengthening of links with public and private sector institutions





Development of the financing strategy

Study the complementarity of funding sources according to the stage and maturity of the projects: idea, feasibility, maturity, development, launch

Study of tax systems (CIR / CII), public aid and subsidies at regional and national level and opportunities for European projects

Integration of private financing opportunities


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Strategy and project structuring

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