Ship-ST - Rethinking uses and technologies to reduce ecological impact

"I recommend G.A.C. Group for the quality of their services. I had the opportunity to observe their added values: the adaptability of the facilitators on the format, the reformulations established on scientific subjects to liberate speech, their structuring methodology leaving room for creativity, their regular piloting."

Ship-ST is an SME specializing in naval architecture.

IFREMER (Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer) has selected the company to design the oceanographic vessel of the future.

Ship-ST issues

To mitigate the environmental impact of its scientific campaigns, Ship-ST was considering a review of practices and technologies on board its oceanographic vessel.

Accompanying G.A.C. Group

Ship-ST was supported by G.A.C. Group in 2021 for a period of 4 months.

Solutions provided by G.A.C. Group

  1. Definition of the issues and objectives of the 3 workshops
  2. Methodology implementation, choice of activities, team building
  3. Facilitation of 3 remote workshops (1/2 to 1 day) for 12 to 24 participants in multidisciplinary teams

  4. Workshop summary, recommendations and deliverables


  • File of qualified contacts
  • Complete application files

What were the results?

3 workshops:

  • Workshop 1: Emergence of 20 solutions to mitigate polluting uses, prioritization of solutions to produce 7 detailed "idea sheets".
  • Workshop 2: Evaluation and prioritization of 17 new technological solutions to reduce the environmental impact of ships

  • Workshop 3: Proposal of 6 optimized scenarios for scientific campaigns, prioritization and further ideation

Newsletter G.A.C.