Identify new markets for a new technology

"We felt that G.A.C. wanted to immerse itself in our subject and understand the why of our innovation [...] We went from a research stage to a development stage really boosted by the different entry points that G.A.C. was able to provide. [...] We went from a research stage to a development stage really boosted by the different entry points G.A.C. was able to provide."

SEALYNX specializes in automotive equipment, particularly seals. The company employs 380 people.

SEALYNX's problematic

Historically present on the automotive market only, SEALYNX wishes to address new markets with their innovation. 

Accompanying G.A.C. Group

Supported for 6 months in 2021, SEANLYNX benefited from innovation marketing support to identify new markets.

Solutions provided by GAC Group

We studied 4 markets.

Step 1 - Launch Identification of the problems and creation of a customized methodology

Step 2 - Bibliographic study Qualification of the value chain, brainstorming, 2 qualitative interviews with experts (teacher-researchers)

Step 3 - Realization of 10 qualitative interviews with industrialists (on 2 markets)

Step 4 - Market analysis and projection according to the top-down bottom-up methodology 

Step 5 - Summary of the study and recommendations


SEALYNX has benefited from :

  • Contacts of identified partners and potential clients 
  • Presentation of the results (verbatims, reports of the various interviews, SWOT, business model, recommendations and market size estimates)

What were the results?

  • identify 2 short-term growth markets 
  • were put in touch with 4 potential clients and partners positioned as early adopters and 3 potential longer-term partners
  • created a specific subsidiary for the new SEALYNX product

Customer testimonial

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