Tertiary and BACS decree: how to implement and finance up to 100% of your compliance by January 1, 2025?

At a time when the French government is aiming for carbon neutrality by 2050, commercial buildings account for 17 % of France's energy consumption. To reduce this consumption, the government has introduced a series of regulatory obligations, including the tertiary sector decree and the BACS decree, in order to achieve its objective.

In collaboration with its partners Greenage Assets specializing in the energy, digital and environmental transition of private and public companies, and La Compagnie des Economies d'EnergieG.A.C. Group, a specialist in Energy Savings Certificates, is organizing this unique webinar.

How to implement and finance up to 100% of your compliance by January 1, 2025?

During this live workshopOur experts will reproduce the journey of a company wishing to become compliant by January 1, 2025.. This is an opportunity for them to go back over the stakes involved in these regulatory obligations, and to present the exceptional measures available in 2024 (some of them temporary), which will enable you to finance up to 100% of your compliance costs.

In the program :

  • Understand and grasp the tertiary sector decree and the BACS decree (companies concerned, obligations and best practices).
  • Discover how you can drastically reduce your energy bill and finance up to 100% of your retrofit.

From theory to practice, discover how to implement a profitable energy performance strategy for your commercial building!

Fill in the form below to access the webinar replay.


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