Managing fragility in the workplace: measure your maturity

We are all convinced that the inclusion of people in vulnerable situations in the workplace is a priority.
However, it's not always easy to implement a sustainable policy.

European Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities (SEEPH) was an ideal opportunity to discuss the subject, propose actions and identify improvements.

Fragility management: measuring your maturity

Fortunately, the subject of fragility is not limited to SEEPH!

How about measuringr your corporate fragility management maturity index to build, accentuate or accelerate your disability policy efforts?

This short 5-question questionnaire is designed to shed light on your perception. At the end of this first stage, we will refine this index with concrete, practical questions to enable you to implement actions adapted to your organization and your maturity.

Fragility management: the first step is to raise awareness among your teams

Raising your teams' awareness is a key stage in implementing a disability policy. In fact, it's the first step in ensuring that your employees are fully aware of the issue.

At the end of this awareness-raising program, some of you may want to apply for recognition of your disability!

These awareness-raising sessions are run by our partner, Cabinet DUCASSE, which brings together groups of up to 20 employees in a participative module via TEAMS, and runs a fun, interactive 1h30 awareness-raising session on frail health and disability in the workplace.

Description of the awareness campaign

The main lines of awareness-raising are as follows:            

  • Better understanding disability in the workplace: let's destigmatize it!
  • Basics of disability typologies
  • BOETH / RQTH: who are we talking about?
  • Invisible disability in the workplace: focus on 2 pathologies

Interested? Get in touch!

Handicap Awareness

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