Infolegale - Support for CIR projects and preparation of aid and subsidy applications

"Infolegale has been working with G.A.C. Group since 2017, and we're fully satisfied with their support. Their expertise and responsiveness facilitated our administrative procedures and led to the production of a high-quality grant application, crowned by a prize in the BPI innovation competition when we first took part. Their ability to understand our specific challenges and advise us judiciously was a real asset. This long-standing collaboration bears witness to the mutual trust we've established, and to the added value they bring to the management of our innovation financing dossiers.""

Infolegale develops intuitive solutions to control fraud and solvency risks, manage Sapin 2-compliant processes, and improve business performance.

Infolegale issues

Identify mechanisms for financing innovation and R&D activities

Accompanying G.A.C. Group

Infolegale has been supported by G.A.C. Group since 2017.

Solutions provided by G.A.C. Group

CIR mission support :

  • Analysis of organization, activities and identification of R&D-I expenditure
  • Determining a suitable procedure for compiling the supporting file

  • Calculating the CIR-CII amount

  • Preparation of forms and administrative follow-up, including monitoring of innovation funding schemes and drafting of technical files.

Preparing applications for grants & subsidies :

  • Budget analysis and preparation
  • Presentation and filing according to expected formalism


  • Valuation file,
  • CERFA declarative 2069-A-SD,
  • Financial and technical documentation
  • Expense tracking report
  • Complete application form for the Call for Projects

What were the results?

  • Benefit from CIR-CII every year with full validation of expenditure

  • Optimizing the overall financing of R&D activities through the coordination of different schemes

  • Obtaining direct assistance

  • Monitoring the progress of assisted projects

Newsletter G.A.C.