Mauna Kea Technologies: Sustain R&D investments and secure its CIR over the long term

"We very much appreciate the relationship with our contact person at G.A.C. Group, for his competence and responsiveness."

Mauna Kea Technologies is a SME specialized in design. The company designs, develops and markets medical devices that detect gastrointestinal and pulmonary abnormalities using confocal miniprobe endomicroscopy.

Mauna Kea Technologies' challenges

Secure the CIR on a long-term basis to ensure the sustainability of R&D investments in the country

Accompanying G.A.C. Group

Mauna Kea Technologies has been supported by G.A.C. Group since 2009.

Solutions provided by G.A.C. Group

  1. Training teams in the system
  2. Audit of eligible projects and grouping according to 3 research themes
  3. Valuing R&D expenditure with methodological continuity
  4. Technical justification of R&D projects

  5. Assistance with annual tax audits


  • Audit report
  • Memo and valuation file
  • CERFA 2069-A-SD
  • Supporting file
  • CIR pre-financing audit report
  • Tax audit response files

What were the results?

  • Structuring R&D projects over the entire support period
  • Tax audits without adjustment since the start of support
  • Enhancing team skills in relation to the system

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