What is the Comité Régional de Reconnaissance des maladies professionnelles (CRRMP)?
The purpose of the CRRMP (Comité Régional de Reconnaissance des Maladies Professionnelles) is to allow insured persons whose disease is not listed in an occupational disease table or does not meet all the criteria of an occupational disease table to try to have the occupational nature of their disease recognized.
In this infographic dedicated to occupational diseases, Louise-Anne LESAFFRE, consultant in occupational risk management at G.A.C. Group, presents the different ways of recognition and their functioning.
In this infographic, find:
The common law procedure (tables of occupational diseases)
The complementary procedure (referral to the Regional Committee for the Recognition of Professional Diseases)
Who makes up the CRRMP?
Investigation: what happens when a case is submitted to the CRRMP?