Improve your understanding of your market's technological challenges and boost your capacity for innovation!

Innovating efficiently and rapidly, and mastering information: key issues for sustainable business competitiveness

"The failure rate of innovation - failure being defined as the non-realization of anticipated benefits prior to launch - is generally estimated at 80-90%."

This quote from Peter EsterArne Maas (Silicon Valley, Planet Startup) is a particularly good illustration of the situation faced by many French companies. Among them, those organized for innovate quickly they will take the place of leaders who are able to react to competitors' strategies or market developments.

Also, the information control is essential for innovate effectively to grow your business sustainably. With over a million patents filed and more than 2 million publications worldwide every year, it's hard to keep up with the pace of innovation.access the right scientific or technical information.

This raises a number of issues for innovative companies: solve a technical problem, build a state of the artstandby or technological due-diligence, search for breakthrough innovation or the sourcing start-ups or partners development.

Access the information you need to innovate effectively with the ideXlab open innovation platform.

The ideXlab platform is a software solution in SaaS mode (Software as a Service, accessible via the Internet), which allows companies toaccéder à l’état de l’art des technologies dans leur domaine d’activité et de stimulating innovation. Relying on web-based data resources (hundreds of millions of documents) and a global network of over ten million experts, researchers and companiesideXlab offers a comprehensive overview of latest technological and scientific trends to help companies improve their competitiveness and anticipate market trends.

IdeXlab, the solution to accelerate your innovation

Reduce time-to-market for your innovations

The ideXlab platform is a software solution in SaaS mode (Software as a Service, accessible via the Internet), which allows companies toaccess state-of-the-art technologies in their field and stimulate innovation. Relying on web-based data resources (hundreds of millions of documents) and a global network of over ten million experts, researchers and companiesideXlab offers a comprehensive overview of latest technological and scientific trends to help companies improve their competitiveness and anticipate market trends.

Develop your network of partners and open innovation

The ideXlab platform also enables companies to stimulate innovation by giving them access to experts and researchers qualified in their field of activity. Using the collaboration functionality ideXlab's online solutions, companies can exchange views with experts (individuals, start-ups, researchers, SMEs, etc.) from different fields to discuss projects, technical issues or new developments. It is particularly useful for setting up a consortium innovation projectask for public grants and subsidies or benefit from the support of European programs.

Set up an automatic standby

Using ideXlab, companies can also monitor technological and scientific trends in their field of activity. This enables us to better understand market challenges and anticipate future developments. The ideXlab platform also offers advanced functionalities for competitive intelligenceThe ideXlab solution enables companies to monitor the activities of the scientific community or their competitors, and keep abreast of the latest innovations in their sector. Here again, the ideXlab solution is an essential tool for conducting a market research and understand the value chain you can develop.

IdeXlab, a solution that adapts to your needs and uses

A customizable platform

IdeXlab is a fully customizable solution that adapts to the specific needs of each company. The platform's functions can be configured as follows To answer to the technology watch, collaboration or innovation needs. The ideXlab solution can be integrated into existing monitoring and project management tools for optimum use.

A solution for all your company's innovators

The ideXlab open innovation platform is designed for all innovative companieswhatever their sector of activity or size, who are looking to optimize their innovation and technological performance. In particular, it is intended for teams for R&D, innovation, technology watch and the development and purchase of new products and services. Users may be engineers, scientists, innovation project managers, buyers of new technologies or strategic decision-makers.

Build up your state of the art to justify and secure your CIR

The ideXlab platform is a very useful and ergonomic tool for companies seeking to benefit from research tax credit (CIR), a tax incentive scheme designed to support business research and development.

It enables justify and therefore secure their declaration by providing documented proof of the state of the art and the technological intelligence they have developed for their R&D projects. This evidence is essential for prove that expenses incurred meet CIR eligibility criteria and have been carried out as part of genuinely innovative research and development projects.

To consolidate the justification and securing of your CIR, the platform can be coupled with the MyInnoTime R&D: activity management software for your R&D teams.  

Your benefits

A access to over 300,000,000 documents and more than 10,000,000 experts and companies in all sectors

A precise targeting to the right information and easier sharing of results

A flexible and adaptable to your needs to accelerate your innovation

A simplified innovation process for co-innovating with its ecosystem

Our support

G.A.C. draws on its sector-specific experience to help you implement your projects through a comprehensive offer to innovate, perform and adopt a responsible approach. Our multi-disciplinary team of engineers and PhDs has been advising and supporting you for over 20 years in your innovation projects, from idea to market launch, including the search for financing.

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