DSN substitution and business reports: understanding to anticipate

6 February 2025
at 2 p.m.

Decree no. 2023-1384 of December 29, 2023 introduces a system for verifying and correcting Nominative Social Declarations (DSN), enabling collection bodies such as Urssaf and MSA to correct anomalies detected in employers' DSNs when the latter do not rectify them themselves.

This system provides for the reporting of anomalies via CRMs (business reports), followed by corrections made by the organizations, with substitution DSNs, if the employer has not made the requested changes.

The replacement DSNs are scheduled for 2026, and you have the whole of 2025 to understand and anticipate.

During our webinar, we will cover the following topics:

  • Substitution DSN deployment schedule,
  • How to access and retrieve your CRM,
  • The keys to understanding CRM and correcting reported anomalies.

At the end of this webinar, you'll know all there is to know about DSN substitution and CRM!

To register for the webinar :

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