Atlantem - Preparing applications for grants and subsidies for the ORPLAST call for projects: Objectif Recylclage PLASTiques (PLAST Recycling Objective)

"We appreciated the speaker's availability and seriousness".

ATLANTEM designs, manufactures and markets a complete range of joinery and multi-material closures (wood, aluminum, virgin PVC, etc.).

Atlantem issues

Atlantem wishes to invest in a co-extrusion tool to replace the volume of virgin PVC with recycled plastic material (RPM), and thus incorporate more and more recycled material into its profiles.

Accompanying G.A.C. Group

Assembly of a file of application for aid for the ORPLAST (Objectif Recyclage PLASTiques) call for projects

Atlantem was accompanied in 2022, and the mission lasted 1 month.

Solutions provided by G.A.C. Group

  1. Analysis of the project and its eligibility for the ORPLAST AAP
  2. Structuring the funding application, building the file and submitting the application form

What were the results?

  • ADEME grant of €25K
  • Co-extrusion tool investment
  • Profile design with more recycled material

Newsletter G.A.C.