Financing innovation: discover the different levers available

The development and competitiveness of your company depends on its ability to innovate and invest in new products, services or processes. Financing your R&D&I projects represents a cost and a risk that hinders your ambitions. So how can you accelerate your innovation projects by activating the lever of public and private financing? In this webinar in partnership with Bpifrance University, our experts present all the available opportunities, their complementarity and the context in which each can be considered.

In the program

1. Public aid for innovation

  • The main aid schemes
  • Eligible expenses
  • Eligibility and selection criteria
  • Some examples of innovation support

2. The taxation of innovation 

  • CIR/CII: Validated expenditure items
  • Technical justification of IRC/ITC projects
  • JEI status (Young Innovative Company)
  • A word on patent taxation (IP Box)
To access the webinar, log on to the Bpifrance University website.

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