How to boost the growth of your innovations (despite a limited budget)?

To accelerate the growth of your innovations without a budget, there is a method and a mindset: Growth Hacking. We were pleased to co-host this webinar with Join Lion, the school of entrepreneurship and innovation.

In the program
  1. Define an adapted innovation and Growth Hacking strategy
  2. Using the right hacks to grow fast
  3. Confront your innovations with your post-crisis market

To access the replay, fill out the form below.

The fundamentals of an innovation strategy adapted to the crisis

Uncertainty and failure are a culture inherent in innovation, but this is rarely the case in a business historically where you have to justify your actions, your expenses and above all seek to maximize profit and short-term profitability. . 

However, commercializing innovation does not necessarily require large budgets. Some companies will start from a customer pain point and attack the big players in the market by responding specifically to this pain point.

Innovation is therefore either to take risks to seek to “disrupt” a state of the art, or to improve its innovations incrementally: the little extra that will sell its innovation ...

Finally, marketing of innovation goes through several phases: understanding my client, building his business model, prototyping his offer, confronting it with the market, improving it based on feedback from the field and finally putting his innovation on the market and communicating around his strategy (exploring, structuring, test and drive…). 

The fundamentals of an innovation strategy adapted to the crisis

The fundamentals of Growth Hacking are simple in the end, it is about generate sustainable growth in a short period of time with skills such as creativity, data analysis, coding, and business and marketing intelligence. 

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