CRM reminders

The annual Business Report (CRM), also known as the "Callback CRM", is a report listing anomalies that have not been corrected despite the fact that they have been identified and reported via the Callback CRM.

Our DSN expert, Laure FINAN, tells you more.

CRM recall, the last chance to make corrections

The Annual business report (CRM) known as the "CRM reminder". is a report issued for year N, in March N+1, by URSSAF (or MSA in the form of a letter of observations) to employers.

This document lists uncorrected anomalies noted and reported during calendar year N via the monthly CRMs (standardized or not) from the various organizations.   

In practice, on receipt of a reminder CRM, the employer may :

  • Correct erroneous data by the second reporting deadline following notification of the CRM reminder (i.e. before May N+1).
  • object to the findings, stating the reasons, within the above-mentioned timeframe (to avoid substitution DSN)

It thus provides a global and consolidated view of anomalies observed throughout year N, and constitutes a preparatory phase for the implementation of a substitution DSN.

Key features of CRM recall

Callback CRM for consistency checks Reminder CRM carries out business-specific checks to ensure the consistency and accuracy of data accumulated over the year, particularly with regard to contributions, remuneration and headcount.

Il met en évidence les anomalies annuelles It centralizes any inconsistencies or errors that may not have been detected during monthly checks, as some verifications require an annual perspective.

It promotes proximity to collection agenciesIn addition to the numerous tools implemented by the organizations (DSN Follow-up, DSN Fiab, PEP's, etc.), the contradictory phase, which is open upon receipt of a reminder CRM and therefore outside the scope of an audit, is a new feature that opens up dialogue with the collection agencies, prior to any adjustment.

It consolidates data This summary encourages you to monitor and check your social data for the past calendar year.

It is an additional tool for making data more reliable : The CRM reminder was created to guarantee, as a last resort, that any anomalies detected will be taken into account and, ultimately, to justify the appearance of a replacement DSN.

Why is CRM recall important?

The recall CRM is important for the following reasons:

  • It guarantees whether or not employers are in compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, and helps avoid penalties or sanctions.
  • By ensuring the accuracy of declared data, it contributes to the protection of employees' rights (retirement, health insurance, unemployment, etc.) and the fair collection of social contributions.
  • Analysis of the annual CRM enables us to identify areas for improvement in payroll management and social declarations.
  • It facilitates the preparation of accounting and social balance sheets by providing accurate, consolidated data.

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