Coronavirus: insight into financial support measures for businesses

Economic impact of COVID-19: summary of financial measures to support you

Exceptional financial support measures have been put in place to support you in the face of the impact of the crisis we are currently experiencing.

Here is the summary:

Government measures :

  • 45 billion euros to finance short-time working (which will be simplified)
  • Deferral of your tax and social charges
  • Direct tax rebates
  • 300 billion euros to insure your bank loans (+ deferrals)
  • If you are in a public market: no late payment penalties
  • 5 billion euros more invested in research over 10 years

For VSEs / SMEs and self-employed :

  • If you post a loss of +70 % between March 2019 and 2020: 1 billion euros available to support your business
  • Postponement of payment of your rent, water, gas and electricity bills.

Bpifrance measures :

  • 90% guarantee to your Bank if loan granted, up to 7 years
  • Guarantees of 90% of your overdrafts if confirmed by your bank up to 18 months
  • Loans to support your cash flow (without guarantee and security of assets)
  • Rebound loan from 10 to 300 K €, subsidized over 7 years (with 2 years deferred).
  • Ready for everything (up to € 5M for SMEs and € 30M for ETIs, from 3 to 5 years with a grace period)
  • Mobilization of your invoices on public / private markets
  • For Bpifrance customers: reorganization of credits and suspension of maturities

If you use the Research / Innovation / JEI Tax Credit :

Application for approval : if this is your first request, be careful! You only have until April 15 to do it. For renewals, it will be between September 1 and November 30.

Nota Bene : despite the situation, a tax audit could still call your file into question.


Here is the list and the summary description of 3 calls for projects to fight against the current health and economic crisis which you can still claim.

There are many others in France, Europe and internationally and the subtleties are numerous, do not hesitate to contact us for more details.

And it's not just about finding a vaccine! In addition to scientific disciplines, various technologies can be mobilized...

At the French level :

Ministry of the Armed Forces (Defense Innovation Agency)

This call for projects concerns the search for innovative solutions: organizational, managerial, technological or industrial, which can be mobilized directly in order to: protect, test the population, relieve the burden of patient care, monitor the evolution of the pandemic, or even limit the constraints of confinement.

  • Budget: 10 million euros (for one or more projects).
  • Deadline: April 12, 2020
  • To know more, it's here

At the European level :

Innovative Medicines Initiative (Covid)

The objective of this PAA is to improve the health of patients and / or contain the spread of COVID-19: development of tools, antivirals and other therapies to respond quickly to the crisis and creation of preventive strategies.

It is necessary to form a consortium of at least 3 independent companies from 3 H2020 member or associated countries (ex: universities, research institutes, SMEs and companies up to 500 million euros of turnover)

  • Budget: 45 Million euros (Grant of 100% of eligible costs)
  • Deadline: Tuesday March 31, 2020
  • To know more, it's here

Count on all GAC Group employees to provide you with advice on these subjects!

We have been experts in this since 2002 and we are at your disposal to help you better understand these exceptional devices and make them a reality.

Be assured of the daily mobilization of GAC Group employees to respect the commitments made to you!

GAC Group is grateful for the trust and loyalty you show in us as well as the professionalism and dedication of its employees.

In a spirit of collective responsibility, we will together contribute to reducing the impact of the health context we are going through.

GAC group sends you all its solidarity thoughts. Our common mobilization will bear fruit!

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