G.A.C. Sophia at the forefront of innovation management with the implementation of co-creation workshops for the LOTUS project in India
One year after the launch of the H2020 project LOTUS ("Innovative low-cost technology for water quality monitoring and water resource management for urban and rural water systems in India")The inno team is ready to organize co-creation workshops in the context of this project. The aim of the co-creation workshops is to present the potential of LOTUS technology to the general public (city dwellers, farmers, etc.) and to adapt its future development to their needs.
These workshops will take place in four different places and will address radically different situations:
- In the city of Guwahati, sensors will be used to support the creation of a network of pipes providing users with drinking water 24/7;
Around Guwahati, sensors will be used to inform the population about groundwater pollution levels, enabling them to adapt their water consumption to reduce health problems; - In Bengaluru, water collectors will be used to supply clean water by tanker; and
- In Jalgaon, sensors will be used to optimize irrigation water for farmers, measuring water parameters in real time and automatically calculating the right amount of fertilizer to add.
In these co-creation workshops, the entire LOTUS solution will be called into question: from sensor parameters, to the level of information required, to the way information is displayed. This will enable end-users to participate fully in the design of the solution. Additional information on the socio-economic context of the participants and their needs in terms of water quality will be collected in order to build a solid business model.
Beyond sensor development, these co-creation workshops will be analyzed and iterated to improve innovation management methodologies that maximize the social and economic impact of the products developed.