SEEPH Week: raise your teams' awareness of disability!

November 19 & 20, 2024

Why and how can you raise awareness among your teams?

Raising your teams' awareness is a key stage in implementing a disability policy. In fact, it's the first step in ensuring that your employees are fully aware of the issue.

At the end of this awareness-raising program, some of you may want to apply for recognition of your disability!

These awareness-raising sessions are run by our partner, Cabinet DUCASSE, which brings together groups of up to 20 employees in a participative module via TEAMS, and runs a fun, interactive 1h30 awareness-raising session on frail health and disability in the workplace.

Description of the awareness campaign

The main lines of awareness-raising are as follows:            

  • Better understanding disability in the workplace: let's destigmatize it!
  • Basics of disability typologies
  • BOETH / RQTH: who are we talking about?
  • Invisible disability in the workplace: focus on 2 pathologies

Our next dates

November 19, 2024 from 9:30 to 11 a.m.

We can also carry out this awareness-raising event on another date, at your convenience. Contact us via this form if you would like more information!

About Cabinet Ducasse

  • 17 years' experience in disability in the workplace (12 years in HR)
  • Medical-social service provider, subject to professional secrecy
  • Services throughout France, face-to-face or distance learning
  • Services deductible from URSSAF / OETH contributions

Newsletter G.A.C.