INNOSURVEY®: Explore the field of possibilities by opening up and sharing your development projects with qualified partners in a collaborative innovation process!

Collaborative innovation to accelerate your company's development and growth

Against a backdrop of shrinking R&D and innovation budgets, recourse to thecollaborative innovation is a necessity. Start-ups, in particular, have understood this and are increasingly using theopen innovation. This allows them to benefit from much greater capacity for innovation by innovating alone.

An open-innovation organization focuses its R&D and innovation projects on the following areas collaborations outside the initially dedicated department. These collaborations can extend to company-wide to other departments (marketing, sales, technical...) and other organizations external to the company (research laboratories, start-ups, experts, historical partners, collaboration between the public and private sectors, etc.).

How to implement an open-innovation process and capitalize on collaborative ideation?

Open innovation can take many forms, and there are different ways of implementing it within an organization.

To stimulate creativity collective intelligence workshops or hackathons can be organized around a specific issue: the creation of a new product or service, the implementation of a new organization or process, or change management training. The aim is to benefit from internal and/or external, but above all multidisciplinary skills within these creativity workshops for co-creation and collaborative innovation. Organizing these collective intelligence sessions also makes it possible to win the support of all stakeholders and instilling a culture of innovation beyond the company's R&D department.

Other means can be used to find new ideas outside your company: the sourcing or start-up incubation, the innovation contest or the partner search experts (technical or sector referent, teacher-researcher, doctor, etc.). Visit ideXlab open innovation platform is specially developed to help you identify your future innovation partners among a database of over 14,000,000 referenced experts.

All these means of promoting open innovation help to create special relationships with your employees and partners from your ecosystem or other business sectors when necessary. The ultimate aim is, of course, to create and innovate more rapidly and toaccelerate the time-to-market of your innovation project.

G.A.C. Group has built up a unique, tailor-made consultancy offering for companies wishing to accelerate their innovation process through open innovation, and capitalize on the strengths present in your company and your ecosystem.

A customized offer to instill a culture of collaborative innovation within your organization and ecosystem, and identify new sources of growth.

Identifying co-development partners

  • Source the experts - academic and private - who can add technical value to your innovation project.
  • Connecting people and creating innovation synergies

Organization of collective intelligence sessions to stimulate collaborative ideation

  • Build a tailor-made methodology based on creativity techniques and tools to meet your needs
  • Lead the workshop and facilitate the development of new ideas and their prioritization to converge on a common result

Your benefits

Proven tools for initiate strategic partnerships and develop interactions with your innovation ecosystem

The co-creation of new products or services benefiting from external, multidisciplinary expertise

The spreading the culture of innovation in all your departments and the support of your stakeholders

The opportunity to expand your scope of applications, d'increase your sales andensure economic competitiveness of your company

How can you maximize the chances of success of your collaborative innovation process?

Supporting you in managing your innovation to have a greater impact on society and sustain your growth is a priority for us. daily commitment to our experts.

Once you've identified and prioritized your innovation projects, it's time to ensure their economic viability: which business model? Which market will bring the highest return on investment? What sales projections? Find out more about our strategic innovation marketing to answer these questions.

You also have the opportunity to make a innovation diagnosis your organization to constructively identify its strengths and areas for improvement, and vous assurer de l’alignement entre vos ressources et votre innovation strategy pour le futur.

How can you maximize the chances of success of your collaborative innovation process?

How to finance your collaborative innovation project?

Supporting you in managing your innovation to have a greater impact on society and sustain your growth is a priority for us. daily commitment to our experts.

Once you've identified and prioritized your innovation projects, it's time to ensure their economic viability: which business model? Which market will bring the highest return on investment? What sales projections? Find out more about our strategic innovation marketing to answer these questions.

You also have the opportunity to make a innovation diagnosis your organization to constructively identify its strengths and areas for improvement, and ensure alignment between your resources and your innovation strategy for the future.

Identify your future partners to build your consortium with ideXlab

In addition to putting our network and innovation ecosystem at your disposal, our ideXlab open innovation platform is specifically designed for search for technical experts worldwide.

The ideXlab software solution allows you to easy access to experts and companies at the origin of technological and scientific knowledge. Real a bridge between academia and industryideXlab lists over 14,000,000 experts among 1 million companies, enough to speed up your search for partners.

Our support

G.A.C. draws on its sector-specific experience to help you implement your projects through a comprehensive offer to innovate, perform and adopt a responsible approach. Our multi-disciplinary team of engineers and PhDs has been advising and supporting you for over 20 years in your innovation projects, from idea to market launch, including the search for financing.

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Pôle mer - logo
"Our thanks for the quality of your support. You form an efficient and complementary team. Good atmosphere and quality of work! The support provided was much appreciated by both the participants and the cluster's Europe team. We'll keep you informed of the projects that emerge from the initiative."
Director, Service Europe Pôle Mer Méditerranée
Open Innovation support
Clean Tech Vallée - Logo
"We are very satisfied with the support we received, which enabled us to obtain a large number of qualified candidates in a variety of cleantech sectors. Weekly contact with the G.A.C. team has been fluid, and the team has been able to adapt to our wishes."
Head of Innovation and Development
Open Innovation support
Ship-ST Logo
"I recommend G.A.C. Group for the quality of their services. I had the opportunity to observe their added values: the adaptability of the facilitators on the format, the reformulations established on scientific subjects to liberate speech, their structuring methodology leaving room for creativity, their regular piloting."
Head of IFREMER's Vessels and Onboard Equipment department
Open Innovation support
"We felt that G.A.C. wanted to immerse itself in our subject and understand the why behind our innovation. [...] We went from a research stage to a development stage really boosted by the different entry points G.A.C. was able to provide."
Innovation Manager
Open Innovation support

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