Why and how to recruit young doctors / CIFRE theses?

To carry out your R&D and Innovation strategy, you certainly use the CIR/CII. But have you ever used the CIFRE thesis or the recruitment of PhD students?

You can receive a reimbursement of 120% of the young doctor's gross salary for two years! 

We had the pleasure of co-hosting this webinar with the ANRT and the former head of the CIR department at the Ministry of Research.

On the agenda for this webinar:

  1. What are the pitfalls to avoid and the rules to respect in order to benefit from it in a virtuous way?
  2. How to target, source and recruit the best PhDs?
  3. How to formulate / integrate your research themes into your doctoral thesis project?
  4. How does ADEME process applications? What is the view of the MESRI experts?

To access the replay, fill out the form below.

What are the pitfalls to avoid and the rules to follow in order to benefit from it in a virtuous way?

The Cifre industrial research training agreements, managed by the National Association for Research and Technology (ANRT), aim to strengthen exchanges between public research laboratories and the socio-economic sector, in order to promote the employment of PhDs in companies.

It allows a company to benefit from financial aid to recruit a young doctoral student whose research work, supervised by a public research laboratory, will lead to the defense of a thesis.

The company recruits a young graduate with a master's degree on a 3-year C.D.I. or C.D.D. basis and entrusts him/her with a research project for his/her thesis. The company receives an annual grant of 14,000 euros from the ANRT for three years.

How to target, source and recruit the best PhDs?

During the thesis: 

  • The doctoral student's work is eligible for the CIR under the same conditions as for any researcher in a company.
  • During the 3 years of preparation of his thesis, his charged salary, increased by operating costs at the flat rate of 43%, is taken into account in the base of the CIR. The CIR rate is 30%.
  • The company will have to deduct the amount of the grant received by the ANRT (14 000 €)

Upon obtaining the thesis:

Upon obtaining her thesis (end of CIFRE), if the company recruits this young doctor on a permanent contract, she will benefit from the increase in staff costs and the flat rate of these expenses, relating to the first recruitment of a young doctor. .

The charged salary of the young doctor will be taken into account for double its amount and the operating expenses will be increased to 200% of the charged salary, during the first 24 months following the first recruitment, provided that the number of R&D staff of the business is not lower than the previous year.

The addition of these two schemes Cifre and CIR is extremely advantageous for a company which recovers a researcher with high added value, for a very moderate cost. The following examples demonstrate this (Assuming an annual salary of 40 000 €)

How does ADEME process applications?

Administrative pre-review phase (a few days):

  • Verification of the eligibility of partners with regard to the granting conditions
  • Verification of the completeness of the file
  • Sending an acknowledgment of receipt to the administrative contact designated by the company

Round trip (s), if any, until the date of administrative completeness is indicated on the file

Case expertise phase (2 to 3 months)

  • Expertise of the scientific component entrusted to an anonymous and volunteer university researcher
  • Expertise of the socio-economic environment entrusted to the Regional Delegation for Research and Technology
    Please note: for companies in the Ile de France region: questionnaire to be returned within 15 days

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