DSN: Professional training contributions and apprenticeship tax

Professional training has been the subject of successive reforms in recent years. Two decrees, published in the JO on 31/12/2021, have clarified certain details relating to the collection of statutory vocational training contributions and the apprenticeship tax by URSSAF. This is the DSN which is now the vehicle for your declaration. The details provided on the URSSAF website or on the GIP MDS (Groupement d'intérêt public Modernisation des Déclarations Sociales) advice sheets are comprehensive and highly technical and can be difficult to decipher.




How secure your future declarations ? What are the controls to be carried out to avoid anomalies (blocking or non-blocking via DSN-Val)? Many questions, which our experts will answer during our next dedicated webinar.

Our payroll and DSN experts will also present concrete cases to help you better understand these changes and make your DSNs more reliable for limit the financial risks of misrepresentation.

On the agenda for this webinar:

  1. Transfer of collection to URSSAF, what really changes?
  2. Your legal contributions for professional training and the apprenticeship tax are moving to DSN: what do you have to declare?
  3. How to secure your future declarations?

To access the replay, fill out the form below.

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