Ship-ST - Rethinking uses and technologies to reduce ecological impact

"I recommend G.A.C. Group for the quality of their services. I had the opportunity to observe their added values: the adaptability of the facilitators on the format, the reformulations established on scientific subjects to liberate speech, their structuring methodology leaving room for creativity, their regular piloting."

Ship-ST is an SME specializing in naval architecture.

The design office has been selected by the French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea (IFREMER) to imagine the oceanographic vessel of the future.

Ship-ST issues

To mitigate the environmental impact of its scientific campaigns, Ship-ST was considering a review of practices and technologies on board its oceanographic vessel.

Accompanying G.A.C. Group

Ship-ST was supported by G.A.C. Group in 2021 for a period of 4 months.

Solutions provided by G.A.C. Group

  1. Definition of the issues and objectives of the 3 workshops
  2. Methodology implementation, choice of activities, team building
  3. Facilitation of 3 remote workshops (1/2 to 1 day) for 12 to 24 participants in multidisciplinary teams

  4. Workshop summary, recommendations and deliverables


  • File of qualified contacts
  • Complete application files

What were the results?

3 workshops:

  • Workshop 1: Emergence of 20 solutions to mitigate polluting uses, prioritization of solutions to produce 7 detailed "idea sheets".
  • Workshop 2: Evaluation and prioritization of 17 new technological solutions to reduce the environmental impact of ships

  • Workshop 3: Proposal of 6 optimized scenarios for scientific campaigns, prioritization and further ideation

Newsletter G.A.C.