All about table 102, the new occupational disease table

Decree No. 2022-573 revising and supplementing the tables of occupational diseases was published in the Official Journal on April 20, 2022. What are the occupational diseases concerned? What is the turnaround time? What are the conditions for recognition of occupational disease? Back to this administrative novelty.

1. A new occupational disease chart for prostate cancer

This decree creates a new table of occupational diseases in the general system for prostate cancer. It follows the creation, last December, of a table on this same pathology, but for the agricultural system.

This table 102 therefore relates to prostate cancer caused by pesticides.

Occupational disease, prostate cancer

The jobs covered by this table are those usually involving exposure to pesticides:

  • When handling or using these products, by contact or inhalation ;
  • By contact with crops, surfaces, treated animals or during maintenance of pesticide application machinery;
  • • During their manufacture, production, storage and packaging;
  • When repairing and cleaning pesticide production, packaging and application equipment;
  • • During depollution operations, collection and management of pesticide waste.

What is the delay in taking charge?

This is the time allowed to the employee to have his illness recorded after the cessation of exposure to the risk. It is 40 years subject to a risk exposure period of 10 years.

What are the conditions for recognition of an occupational disease?

For a disease to be recognized as being of occupational origin, three cumulative conditions must be met:

  • The disease must be listed in a table
  • The disease must have been medically diagnosed within a certain timeframe, as set out in the tables, starting at the end of exposure to the risk.
  • • The employee must have been exposed to the risk. The list of works is fixed by the table, and can be indicative or restrictive. In this table, it is limiting.

What happens when one of the conditions in the table is not met?

In cases where the pathology declared by the employee does not meet all the conditions of a table, or even does not appear in any table, the assessment of the causal link between the disease and the victim's usual work is entrusted to a Comité Régional de Reconnaissance des Maladies Professionnelles (CRRMP), made up of medical experts.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about your occupational disease files and more generally about the management of your occupational risks.

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Occupational risk management can represent a colossal cost for the most accident-prone companies. In a post-health crisis context, the company's social performance is more than ever a key factor in securing human and financial risks.

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