Make your DSNs more reliable and secure your employees' rights

May 23, 2024
11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

Nearly 97 % of DSNs are incorrect! And yet.., you find no blocking or non-blocking anomalies when you submit your DSN.

DSN errors are numerous and can have serious consequences. implications for your employees' rights or on the monitoring your HR indicators.

Taking the time secure and reliable DSNs are essential to avoid time-consuming technical exchanges with organizations or your employees and time-consuming regularizations. 

A number of tools are freely available for this purpose (Suivi DSN, DSN Fiab, business CRMs, etc.), but they are not always easy to use.

During our webinar, our specialist will present the compliance issues related to DSN with the the recent introduction of substitution DSNs, the control tools at your disposal and the right reflexes to adopt.

At the end of this webinar :

You'll be convinced of the importance of getting to grips with the DSN issue to make your declarations more reliable and secure your employees' rights.

Register now!


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