Find out how you can improve your energy performance!

Rising energy prices: How to reduce your energy costs and improve your energy performance thanks to aid from ADEME and CEE?





Faced with the current soaring energy prices, energy efficiency has become a critical issue for companies, especially those in the industrial sector.

Indeed, this sudden and indefinite rise caused by the ambient geopolitical context has a strong impact on companies to different degrees. When some reduce their activities to keep a viable model, others are forced to cease their activities.

More than ever, investments to improve your company's energy efficiency are an effective and sustainable way to reduce your energy bill! In this webinar, find out how you can improve your energy performance.

On the agenda for this webinar:

  1. What kind of assistance is right for your business?
  2.  What are the tax measures you can claim to reduce your energy bill?
  3.  Are you eligible for a grant from ADEME, concrete example?
  4.  What will be the evolution of energy expenditure?
  5. What types of investment are financed?
  6.  What is the proportion of your energy expenditure in relation to your production costs?

To access the replay, fill out the form below.

Optimize and secure your energy taxation to improve your impact and boost your competitiveness!

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